People then ask you, “who’s your favorite boss?” Who’s your favorite child…” Speaking of “who’s your favorite child,” perhaps no one gets that question more than Kris Jenner. Therefore, she offers one of the most brilliant answers to this question… ...
" The professor stoically responded, "I neither know or care who you are. You need to learn respect and discipline." "Good." said Johnny and he ran away. When the day for the exam scores to be announced came, Johnny received an A+. How?
27. “When you do not know what you are doing and what you are doing is the best – that is inspiration.”– Robert Bresson 28. “My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is tofinishwhat I start. So far I’ve finished two bags of M&Ms and a chocolate cake. I ...
Wherearethey? Whathappenedto/betweenthem? Whyisitfunny? Suggestedanswers: StoryA Afamousartcollector,astoreownerandacat. Theyareinastoreinthecity. Theartcollectorwantedtobuythesaucerbutinsteadboughtacat. Thestoreownerkneweveryonewantedtobuythesaucerthecatused,andhemademoneybysellingthecat. StoryB SherlockHolm...
It’s joke time, time for the top jokes of all time, take your eyes of the clock and settle down to the funniest time of your life. Funny Time Jokes Funny Time Joke 1“I hope you’re not one of those boys who sits and watches the school clock?” said the principal to a new bo...
Here are Will and Guy’s favorite schoolboy howlers. These are funny answers to exam questions, which were culled by teachers reading through 1,000s of answers. Here are their moments of fun amid tedious schoolboy writing. Ancient Egypt was inhabited by mummies and they all wrote in hydraulic...
B. Names show who we are in others' eyes. C. Names on people's ID cards aren't actually useful. D. Names are creative expressions chosen by oneself.28. If a girl often answers to the nickname Walking Dictionary, she might___. E. begin to believe she has a large vocabulary F. thi...
Feeling stupid, I asked Uncle Google “How to be funny?” I got some interesting, but not all that helpful, answers. Things such as, “Listen carefully,”“Appreciate irony,” and “Be surprising.” I’m sure those funny tips are all true, but HOW EXACTLY DO YOU USE THEM??
So Jack answers, ‘I’ve already found a girl.’ ‘Who?’ splutters his Dad. ‘Grandma,’ continues Jack happily. ‘Now, let me get this straight,’ his father says. ‘You want to marry my mother? ……….. You can’t do that.’ ‘I don’t see why not?’ Jack responds, ‘Yo...
It’s impressive how many things we can do with this assistant. And, of course, these are not the only Siri funny questions & answers you can try. Be creative, have fun and try your own questions to see how many interesting answers you can receive! Probably you already had a few exper...