In professional settings, for instance, it's generally best to stick to formal greetings. First impressions count and a cheeky phone answer could come off as unprofessional or disrespectful, especially when dealing with: New clients or business partners. High-level executives or VIPs. Situations re...
52 Best Quotes for International Women's Day 100 Sweet and Funny Mother's Day Card Messages Say "I Love You" With These Sweet Quotes for Her 86 Best Valentine's Day Quotes for Friends The Sweetest Valentine's Day Quotes to Share
A useful and comprehensive sms messages - love sms - funny sms jokes collection for use in mobile phone
Trick Questions We dare you to answer these. Name Fun Send audio ecards that speak the name of the person you are sending them to. SMS Stuck on what to say? Hundreds of interesting, amazing and hilarious messages to send vis SMS! Jokes Over 10,000 dumb jokes you'll never get bore...
What was the answer to your question? What’s your secret? When you and I are gone, Where is God? Where’s your homework? Which room? Which three companies are after you? Which word? White hair Whose Son is Better? Who discovered America? Who, me? Why am I tired? Why are you cr...
How can they introduce themselves when they can’t even answer a call from their mothers? 48. Online Status Off via digitalmomblog Sometimes introverts see your messages, but just don’t have the energy to reply. Or maybe they are too busy gathering up the courage to text you back. They...
We dare you to answer these. Name Fun Send audio ecards that speak the name of the person you are sending them to. SMS Stuck on what to say? Hundreds of interesting, amazing and hilarious messages to send vis SMS! Jokes Over 10,000 dumb jokes you'll never get bored of telling. ...
78 - Teacher: Why didn't you answer me ? Pupil: I did, I shook my head Teacher: You don't expect me t... More ›› 79 - Pupil: My teacher was mad with me because I didn't know where the Rockies were. Mother: Well ne... More ›› 80 - Teacher, I can't solve th...
Funny Hindi SMS- Romantic SMS, Funny Hindi SMS Text Messages, Love SMS Vampire Jokes- You Might Be A Vampire If... Jokes Hindi SMS- Hindi SMS Collection If you own a humor or joke-related site, you can get it listed here. First include a link in your website to ...
! Girl bate: nonsense again I crush you send eggs Classification: the whole mobile phone SMS 18, pigs out of the pigsty, how to do? Guess a male singer. Answer: Lee Hom (to the inside of the boom); pigs out of the pigsty, how to do? Guess a female singer's name, answer: Han...