At this age, people turning 60 look forward to many laughs and jokes at their birthday parties, so don't disappoint them by providing a chuckle with these funny birthday sayings: •One starts to get young at the age of sixty and then it is too late. -- Pablo Picasso • Wow! It ...
Funny, Clean Halloween Jokes Here are some more clean and funny Halloween jokes: What would you get if you crossed a vampire and a teacher?Lots of blood tests! Why did Dracula’s mother give him cough medicine?Because he was having a coffin fit. What did Dr. Frankenstein get when he pu...
If you’re looking for age-related funny things to write in a birthday card, you’ve just found a treasure trove. 55. Feel Bad I’m not going to make any age jokes because I genuinely feel bad about how old you are. 56. Not Saying ...
A birthday is a celebration of you We won't mention your age unless you do! Related:Funny Poems About Aging Creative and Playful Birthday Poems Whimsical and creative poems to add a playful touch to birthdays. For The Birds Poet: Catherine Pulsifer Birthdays are sometimes hard to observe Many...
More Tommy Cooper Jokes – Two-liner Comedian jokes Some of the best comedian jokes from Tommy Cooper are two-liners: One year I got a bike for my birthday. So I went peddling off down the road and knocked an old lady down. ‘Can’t you ring your bell?’ She said. ‘I can ring...
It happened to fall on the 30th of September, my birthday, a fact which had no effect on events, except that, expecting some form of monetary remembrance from my family, I was eager for the postman's morning visit. Indeed, I went downstairs and waited for him. If I had not been loit...
If your relationship with your brother is based on teasing and jokes, then these next funny birthday wishes for brothers will set the right tone to wish your brother all the best on his birthday and to tickle his funny bone too! Happy Birthday to a brother who is smart, funny, witty, ...
Is your mom a cool mom? If so,this funny cardis perfect for not onlyMother’s Day, but also a birthday celebration. There’s lots of space on the reverse to pack in jokes from “Mean Girls” or leave a personalized note to tell your mom just how cool she really is. ...
While not a comic himself, in his role at Just for Laughs Nulman has worked many a room and has learned a thing or two about what make things funny. In between readying his town for the ultimate 30th birthday bash, Nulman offered up some of his trade secrets. ...
Funny, Clean Halloween Jokes Here are some more clean and funny Halloween jokes: What would you get if you crossed a vampire and a teacher?Lots of blood tests! Why did Dracula’s mother give him cough medicine?Because he was having a coffin fit. What did Dr. Frankenstein get when he pu...