I want to sit like a human! Check me out ... I'm human!!
From 21 Jump Street and Bridesmaids, to Booksmart and Coming to America, here are the funniest movie comedies of all time, and where to watch them.
Sounds like your CD copy had a replacement jewel case. The original had a long blue sticker along the top, as did the first CD single, but orange. contribuido QVC - Locomotion / Partyland. 7 months ago publicó una crítica de Nick Heyward - I Love You Avenue. 7 months ago This...
"My dad was working late, so my sister and I invited these two guys over to hook up. But my dad came home early, so we sent the guys running outside down the back porch steps. They knocked over a white paint can, spilling it on the ground and leaving footprints. The next day, ...
According to the data, the specific letters and sounds used to build a word are the biggest determiner of whether it is considered funny or not. We’ll begin with the letter that appears to be the class clown of the entire alphabet, which is… ...
Passenger:‘Sounds like he was something really special.’Cabbie:‘There’s more, he had a memory like a computer. Could remember everybody’s birthday. He knew all about wine, which foods to order, and which fork to eat them with. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a ...
Technically that's not the wrong tones (both 4th), that's a whole different syllable. Interesting because it's not just the final "n" that's different; those two words have different vowel sound as well. I'm guessing you pronounced "là" like Americans say "dance" which sounds more li...
Sounds Like What He Needs Is An Arm-y Hospital I work in a hospital in a department with very well-scheduled overlapping shifts. What I mean is that the first shift is scheduled from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm, the second shift comes in at 2:30 pm and stays until 11:00, pm and the ...
The plot of Woody Allen’s second feature movie sounds like a Seth Rogen stoner comedy: lazy guy stumbles into job as leader of a South American revolution. Except this is a Woody Allen film, so amidst daft slapstick, cutting one-liners and guerrilla warfare you’ll find commentary on the...
Looking for funny quotes? Here we've collected over 500 funny quotes on a variety of topics (love, famous, men, women, kids,...) with beautiful pictures.