The Boss demonstrates Melissa McCarthy's continued ability to command the screen by crafting hilarious and refreshingly unconventional characters. Directed by Ben Falcone, the film follows McCarthy as a ruthless business tycoon who is forced to rebuild her life and reputation following a brief sti...
A roundup of the funniest reactions to the sex scene between Jon Snow and Daenerys on the Game of Thrones season 7 finale.
What’s really remarkable about Red Alert 3 is that it seems to have been made almost exclusively for the purposes of parody and memeification despite only being released in 2008 when people were still sharing Chuck Norris jokes and using the Trollface. Everything has the tone of an amateur ...
“I was driving to the airport when I had the most sudden urge to go to the bathroom. I practically skidded off the road to a gas station and made a beeline for the toilet. Afterward, I bought a pack of gum because the restroom was for ‘customers only.’ The teenage-boy clerk ran...
“warm-up leads to other things,” said reiss. “it’s got me on-air gigs—i’m a contributing writer on seth , and that’s because i do warmup. “at the end of the show,” reiss continued, “people will be like, ‘wow, you’re really funny, you should do comedy...