Hilariously Spot-On Memes About Love & Marriage 16+ Geeks Who Found Love Through Their Nerdy Hobbies The Longest Hollywood Marriages 24 Posts That Perfectly Sum Up Your Long-Term Relationship People Are Sharing The Things They Purposely Do To Annoy Their Partners, And It's Hilarious Thi...
Things You Wouldn’t Expect Are Great For Relationships 16+ Geeks Who Found Love Through Their Nerdy Hobbies 24 Posts That Perfectly Sum Up Your Long-Term Relationship Photos Of Adorable 19th-Century Couples Hilariously Spot-On Memes About Love & Marriage Couples with Names That Go Toget...
Mothers Explain Why They Regret Having Kids In 30 Honest Posts “Humorous Resources”: 96 Hilarious Memes About Work That May Hit A Little Too Close To Home (New Pics) “I’m Done”: Husband’s “Hilarious Prank” Leaves Him Single With A Pile Of Dishes Newsletter...
We have no idea which one is the funniest GIF on the internet, but we tried to come up with few decent contesters for this title.
In:Dirty Memes,Genius or Stupid,Humor,Ya Nailed It Nov 1, 2023 GIF RegularEmbarrassed36 “But I poop from there!” “Not right now you don’t.” GIF BrutalBart “Put your kids behind bars” -Says a girl with braces waiting for a load ...
Halloween is approaching fast than Michael Myers when you're not looking. If you're obsessed with the holiday like I am, you're insanaley excited and of course, Halloween memes are a part of that!
Welcome to another edition of “parentsjust barely making it,” better known as, “the funniesttweetsandmemesof the week.” I have a little secret that some people might have picked up on by now. Every week, I highlight the 35 funniest parenting tweets and memes but if you took a secon...
Welcome to the SECOND installment of the funniest dad memes and tweets of the week. Yesterday,I featured the moms. Now, it’s time for the dads to bring the chuckles. Summer is just around the corner. I’m ready. This winter felt too damn long. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I...
There’s no room for stereotypes here. I thought the future was better than this. Common Ground Memes Image Source:Pixabay Nothing like a bad joke to trigger some hate she-mail. Throw more beans, less kids. She’s everywhere, even when the show is gone!
20+ Funniest “That Guy From…” Memes From Your Favorite K-Pop Boy Group Members EXO’s Xiumin, DAWN, Wonho, And Bad Bunny Wore The Same Jacket But Served Completely Different Vibes “That Guy From…” is the latest trendy internet meme, highlighting what a K-Pop idol is known for. ...