We never know when we’ll be judging a science fair and need some new material. Once you’ve tried out all the funny science jokes on your mom and dad, vote on your favorite, then get your keister down to the lab and start entertaining your nerdy brethren....
Vote up your favorite Spider-Man one liners and mid fight jokes, and if we left off your favorite web slinging one-liner then tell us about it in the comments. 1. No One Accused Spidey of Being Highbrow Photo: Spiderman Marvel 1,193 votes What do you think? Is this funny? 2. The...
Whether you're trying to please a preschooler (ages 3 or 4) or a tween (ages 9, 10 or 11), these jokes for kids of all ages will have them cracking up!
“no more will i ever have to jack it,” he raps. on “doowutchyalike,” where he goes back and forth between rapping as shock and his silly alter ego humpty, he cracks some jokes that most hyper-masculine rappers would avoid like, “see a guy you like, just grab ’em in the ...
Define funniest. funniest synonyms, funniest pronunciation, funniest translation, English dictionary definition of funniest. adj. fun·ni·er , fun·ni·est 1. a. Causing laughter or amusement: a funny cartoon. b. Making or given to making amusing jokes
Looking for some funny jokes about women to crack with your girlfriends? The subject can be quite tricky as most of the women's jokes are sexist as well. Make sure that you don’t offend anyone!
Porkchop!What do you call an elephant in a phone booth? Stuck!You'll fall out of your tree laughing at these hilarious animal jokes! Author Biography Joe King is the author of The Funniest Christmas Joke Book Ever and The Funniest Spooky Joke Book Ever....
not funny:obscene and unfunny jokes. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: ...
Vote up the funniest jokes. It's amazing how entertaining two-line jokes from Reddit can be. A whole lot of funny can fit into just a couple of quick sentences. If, as Shakespeare said, brevity is the soul of wit, then these short quips are the height of humor. Some of the funniest...
'90s. Mixing his smooth West Coast style with an unparalleled sense of humor, he effortlessly balances gangsta rap elements with laugh-out-loud lines. This unique fusion ultimately secures his place among the most hilarious rappers to ever grace the mic – and we wouldn't have it an...