These films not only provide an entertaining escape for viewers but also deliver a clever commentary on the genre's conventions. Whether new to the genre or a longstanding fan, you'll find that sci-fi parody movies offer an amusing and intriguing journey into the world of science fiction and...
Since, she has taken iconic roles like Ophelia in "Hamlet," and Bellatrix Lestrange in the "Harry Potter" series. She also appeared as Princess Margaret on "The Crown" series on Netflix. This role earned her an eighth Golden Globe nomination. 1967: Nicole Kidman Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/Film...
58. The time he made a shocking, Harry Potter-themed discovery. Tweet may have been deleted 59. This heartwarming story of his first date with Blake Lively. Tweet may have been deleted 60. The time he shared his failed attempt at relaxation. Tweet may have been deleted 61. This con...