Pink Guy, a character created by YouTube sensation Joji, took the internet by storm with his outrageous, offensive, and often downright bizarre brand of humor. Unapologetically crude and unfiltered, Pink Guy's comedic raps are not for the faint of heart but have garnered a cult fol...
My bf's Zooms w his guy friends are like "wow king that homemade cheesesteak looks amazing, really great work by my boy" & mine with my girl friends are like "I would cut off my right hand to do 45 lines of cocaine in Miami & my left hand to get railed by Ryan from the OC"...
Pink Guy, a character created by YouTube sensation Joji, took the internet by storm with his outrageous, offensive, and often downright bizarre brand of humor. Unapologetically crude and unfiltered, Pink Guy's comedic raps are not for the faint of heart but have garnered a cult following amo...
Pink Guy, a character created by YouTube sensation Joji, took the internet by storm with his outrageous, offensive, and often downright bizarre brand of humor. Unapologetically crude and unfiltered, Pink Guy's comedic raps are not for the faint of heart but have garnered a cult fol...
Pink Guy 1,074 votes Pink Guy, a character created by YouTube sensation Joji, took the internet by storm with his outrageous, offensive, and often downright bizarre brand of humor. Unapologetically crude and unfiltered, Pink Guy's comedic raps are not for the faint of heart but h...
Pink Guy, a character created by YouTube sensation Joji, took the internet by storm with his outrageous, offensive, and often downright bizarre brand of humor. Unapologetically crude and unfiltered, Pink Guy's comedic raps are not for the faint of heart but have garnered a cult fo...
Pink Guy, a character created by YouTube sensation Joji, took the internet by storm with his outrageous, offensive, and often downright bizarre brand of humor. Unapologetically crude and unfiltered, Pink Guy's comedic raps are not for the faint of heart but have garnered a cult fo...
Pink Guy, a character created by YouTube sensation Joji, took the internet by storm with his outrageous, offensive, and often downright bizarre brand of humor. Unapologetically crude and unfiltered, Pink Guy's comedic raps are not for the faint of heart but have garnered a cult fol...
Pink Guy 1,076 votes Pink Guy, a character created by YouTube sensation Joji, took the internet by storm with his outrageous, offensive, and often downright bizarre brand of humor. Unapologetically crude and unfiltered, Pink Guy's comedic raps are not for the faint of heart but h...
Pink Guy 1,074 votes Pink Guy, a character created by YouTube sensation Joji, took the internet by storm with his outrageous, offensive, and often downright bizarre brand of humor. Unapologetically crude and unfiltered, Pink Guy's comedic raps are not for the faint of heart but h...