Attack on TitanLists about the manga and anime series, in which humanity live in walled cities to protect themselves against the enormous, remorseless, human-hungry Titans. Most Heartbreaking Moments The Most Shockingly Gory Moments Most Shocking Plot Twists Hot Takes From Fans Craziest AoT Death...
When starting a new game, you can also take one item from each of your previous deaths (up to six individual cards) one time. So, let’s say you play from scratch six times and were able to get one legendary item in each run — in your seventh run you’d be able to pick all ...
The general story is in regards to the village itself inviting the main character Hamomuru Tachibana, a pastor from a larger city, to document the history of the village. The village is unique in that it was built by Christians, but their form of Christianity splintered, observing the “Cra...
Taking place in the near future, Zero Time Dilemma is set in a secret compound in the Nevada desert. The nine main characters of our story are originally sent there to simulate a manned-mission to Mars, but things go awry once they find out that the whole compound is booby trapped. Even...
The 15 Most Shocking Plot Twists In 'Attack on Titan' The 20 Strongest 'Attack On Titan' Characters, Ranked The 20 Most Heartbreaking Moments In 'Attack On Titan' The 22 Most Devastating 'Attack On Titan' Deaths The 17 Best 'Attack on Titan' Fights, Ranked ...
it may take a couple of deaths to get a hang of what the boss actually does. You really can’t expect the things they pull out of the air when it comes to the boss’s abilities. Just when you think you figure out a boss, it surprises you with a new ability it hadn’t used the...
Attack on TitanLists about the manga and anime series, in which humanity live in walled cities to protect themselves against the enormous, remorseless, human-hungry Titans. Other The 19 Funniest Moments In 'Attack On Titan' CrystalBrackett ...
The 22 Most Devastating 'Attack On Titan' Deaths Vote 11 Jean Fails at Hitting on Mikasa Photo: YouTube After casually hitting on Mikasa by complimenting her hair, Jean overhears her taking Eren's haircut advice. You can tell by the dark, drooping shadows over his eyes that he's totally ...
The 22 Most Devastating 'Attack On Titan' Deaths Vote 11 Jean Fails at Hitting on Mikasa Photo: YouTube After casually hitting on Mikasa by complimenting her hair, Jean overhears her taking Eren's haircut advice. You can tell by the dark, drooping shadows over his eyes that he's totally...
The 22 Most Devastating 'Attack On Titan' Deaths Vote 11 Jean Fails at Hitting on Mikasa Photo: YouTube After casually hitting on Mikasa by complimenting her hair, Jean overhears her taking Eren's haircut advice. You can tell by the dark, drooping shadows over his eyes that he's totally...