Until next week, please enjoy this collectiondad jokes, mom puns, funny tweets, memes, and regular old rants from both genders, all in one place. May 1, 2022 I’m not saying I’m the best parent in the world, and unfortunately my kid isn’t saying that either — Kevin The Dad (@...
Please enjoy this collection ofdad jokes, puns, memes, and rants from some funny AF dads. Me to my 7yo: try to write a birthday poem for Mommy [5 minutes later] 7yo: did you know heart rhymes with fart? — Daddy Go Fish (@daddygofish)May 18, 2022 Me: 12yo: Because I don't ...
While I don’t know how many actual babies are born on Labor Day – I did learn that September is the most popular month for birthdays. We all know what that means. 9 months ago, when it was cold and we couldn’t leave the house…. about that. Don’t miss ourbirthday memes. As ...
28 Hilarious Birthday Party Photos Gone Horribly Wrong Vote 11 Team Photo Photobomb Photo: Metaweb CC-BY 175 votes Hilarious? 12 Swimming with the Cocks Photo: Metaweb CC-BY 190 votes Hilarious? 13 Cocky Team Photo Photo: Metaweb GNU Free Documentation License 157 votes Hilarious? 14 Hand-me...
For Rachel’s surprise birthday party, the gang has to do everything in their power to make sure Rachel’s parents don’t cross paths. Forced to keep one parent in each apartment, they end up holding two parties.Whilst Ross spends his night trying to impress Rachel’s dad, Phoebe ...