英['fʌn(ə)l] n.漏斗;(蒸汽机车或轮船上的)烟囱;漏斗;(火车等的)烟囱;通风筒;【矿】通风井 v.把…灌进漏斗;使成漏斗形;使汇集;逐渐变窄[宽];经过漏斗形口子 网络漏斗式;漏斗法;漏斗式发问 复数:funnels过去式:funnelled过去式:funneled现在分词:funneling现在分词:funnelling ...
funneling [ˈfʌnəlɪŋ] 释义 [医]成漏斗形:描述膀胱底及膀胱尿道交接区
The meaning of FUNNEL is a utensil that is usually a hollow cone with a tube extending from the smaller end and that is designed to catch and direct a downward flow. How to use funnel in a sentence.
2. To move through or as if through a funnel: tourists funneling slowly through customs. v.tr. 1. To cause to take the shape of a funnel. 2. To cause to move through or as if through a funnel. [Middle English fonel, from Provençal fonilh, from Late Latin fundibulum, from Latin...
[网页版] | 返回首页 | 登陆 | 注册官网微信 单词/词组检索funneling 级别 附加级 音标 [ ˈfʌnəlɪŋ ] 解释 [医]成漏斗形:描述膀胱底及膀胱尿道交接区 英英释义 发音 例句 1. 2. 轻松背单词 | 本站导航 | 英语听力 | 网页版 | 官网微信...
Funneling of gibberellin signaling by the GRAS transcription regulator scarecrow-like 3 in the Arabidopsis root. Cervical length and funneling at 23 weeks of gestation in the prediction of spontaneous early preterm delivery.
funneling 词条 funneling 专业释义 <石油>漏斗缩分法;圆锥缩分法;在钻孔中形成上涌水锥;刷大放矿漏斗 <天文>漏斗 <农牧林>漏斗式流束 <冶金>形成漏斗 <航空>漏斗形盘旋下降 <汽车>车道数减少;路幅宽度变窄;路幅漏斗形缩小 <医学>成漏斗形;描述膀胱底及膀胱尿道交接区...
According to this theory, this magnetic funneling happens in the same way on all neutron stars and all hot spots should be about the same size. Spotty neutron stars Once heralded as a model for black success in the investment banking world, Chapman was undone by a scandal in which he was...
词汇funneling 释义请查阅词条:funnel 随便看 outfitter outfitters outfitting outfittings outflank outflanked outflanking outflanks outflow outflows out for out for something out for sth out for the count outfox outfoxed outfoxes outfoxing out front ...
funneling--effect网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 funneling effect 美 英 un.漏斗效应 网络漏斗效果 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 漏斗效应 隐私声明 法律声明 广告 反馈 © 2025 Microsoft