Friday Night Funkin' - "Silly Billy" but It's BF & GF vs Yourself x Herself 2389 0 01:05 App FNF 17 Bucks - [V1] Finn Vs Mordecai (Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo) 2877 6 00:45 App Pico Meets Yourself! (Friday Night Funkin'/Hit Single/Silly Billy Comic Dub) 1410 0..., 视频播放量 112126、弹幕量 15、点赞数 2581、投硬币枚数 54、收藏人数 1979、转发人数 42, 视频作者 2S5-靛蓝的风信子, 作者简介 随缘更新,自己喜欢的会立马更撞车自己收藏用转载配音什么的规范转载就不会被原作者找上门吧
周五夜放克(Friday Night Funkin')是一款音乐节奏游戏,由四个Newgrounds使用者组成的团体开发而成。该游戏最初是为第47届Ludum Dare大赛所设计。随后赢得大众喜爱,并成为Newgrounds上最受欢迎的游戏之一。在周五夜放克游戏中,玩家必须操控主角“男友”(简称BF)以饶舌击退各路挑战者,以便与心仪的“女友”(GF)幸福、...
Senpai is a well-dressed blond who made his first appeareance in Friday Night Funkin' with the release of Week 6. Imprisoned in a low-rez dating simulator by Girlfriend's dad, Senpai serves the role of the main antagonist of Week 6 and returns in numerou
A Friday Night Funkin mod where Mr Beast from YouTube invite everyone to come to an island to sing Beast Funkin song. Avoid the Trash Notes. Mod Credits: Game is free to play, so if you had fun and would like to keep up-to-update on the mod and other projects they are working, ...
周五夜放克(Friday Night Funkin')简称FNF,又名黑色星期五之夜(玩家起名)是一个超带感的音乐类节奏游戏,它最初是以网页版本呈现,有四个Newgrounds使用者团体开发,随着游戏的火热,相继的周五夜放克手机版本也逐渐涌出,其周五夜放克模组也是百花齐放,可以说这个一个玩起来超乎
Senpai: In a unique twist, you face Senpai in a pixelated, dating-sim-style environment. His songs are rhythmically sophisticated and require meticulous timing. Tankman: The final boss in the current version of the game, Tankman, presents the ultimate challenge with his complex and demanding ra...