-- if we know the buff and we're missing it add it to our list if spellname and GetSpellInfo(spellname) and not buffs[spellname] then local cooldown, oncooldown = select(2, GetSpellCooldown(spellname)), false if spellname and C_Spell.GetSpellInfo(spellname) and not buffs[spellna...
If it is, they should reply with /ok-to-test on its own line. Until that is done, I will not automatically test new commits in this PR, but the usual testing commands by org members will still work. Regular contributors should join the org to skip this step. Once the patch is ...
Please note that it does require more practice than most T.O.D. routines, because the volunteer interaction is extensive, but it’s not hard to learn with some staging and rehearsal time. Buy it, practice, and enjoy! You’re audience will thank you. 6 of 6 magicians found this helpf...
I tried to imagine how it would be in the next 14 years, seeing him as an adult talking to me. I envisioned him big and broad like my brother, eyes like Mariano and with that same rambling excitement, talking about whatever it is that his is doing in the future. ...
February 5, 2005: During the last week of January, the movie "Indigo" was the 17th highest grossing film in America. A "home-grown," low-budget flick, it is part of a new movement throughout our country for Spiritual Cinema, movies that extol and uplift the human spirit in positive, ...
But Not For Long. When I'm Down On The Floor You'll See That No One Will Notice Me It's Breaking My Back. Breaking My Back. When You Drop The Mail Off To Me And Make Us Both Coffee Are You Taking It Black? Are You Taking Me Back?
aredescribed.ThefirstalgorithmisbasedonKalman-filtering,and, therefore,meetscertainoptimalitycriteria.Dueto itshighcomplexity,applicationisrestrictedtospecialcases.Thesecondalgorithmis asimple,easy-implcmcntablealgorithm basedonlinearinterpolation.Theperformanceofthis algorithmcloselyapproaches thatof theKaiman-Algorithm....
Dantas has a favorite slogan —a favela venceu(“the favela has won”) — and it’s emblematic not only of his own success but of the impact that YouTube, which launched in Brazil in 2006, has had on the country’s music industry. Other streaming apps like Deezer, Napster and ...
“No other way to handle it.” I pulled out a spritzer from a fanny pack. “Sly, Freddie, take the left. Annie, you’re in the middle. Tink and I will handle the right. Don’t miss.” Sylvia ‘Sly’ Cherboom broke into giggles while Tinker ‘Tink’ Kacklin groaned. None of the...
Something that takes the best lessons from existing JavaScript frameworks and couples them with the powerful techniques found in functional languages like Haskell. We want a framework that is highly expressive. Because when functional programming is at its best it gives you more power, not less. ...