Funimation enables you to change the preferred language while you’re watching. The service is available through a browser or the Funimation app. We recommend using the app since many users have reported having issues switching the language while watching through a browser. The steps are the sam...
I've checked that all provided URLs are alive and playable in a browser I've searched the bugtracker for similar issues including closed ones. DO NOT post duplicates I've read the guidelines for opening an issue I've read about sharing account credentials and I'm willing to share it if ...
Login 50% Server Connection Stay up to date Be the first to know the next time Funimation goes down. Funimation commentsTips? Frustrations? Share them with other site visitors: You previously opted out of viewing this content. Visit our Cookie Consent tool if you wish to opt back in. ...
yt_dlp.utils.ExtractorError: [Funimation] 78840: No video formats found!;please report this issue on , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using yt-dlp -U...
Activate Funimation on a Different Device:If the activation code isn’t working on any of your devices, try activating Funimation on a different device. It’s always possible that a specific device will have compatibility issues. Delete cookies and caches (web browsers):Before you can use Fun...
If your're planning to open an issue for the script or ask for a new feature or anything that requires opening an Issue, then please do keep these things in mind. ### Reporting Issues Please do make sure that you read and follow this : ### Suggesting A Feature If you're here to ...
Reporting Issues Suggesting A Feature Donations You can check the list of supported websitesHERE. This script can run on multiple Operating Systems. But, the script depends on some external binaries or libs. We needFFmpeg,mkvmergeandNode.jsin our paths. There are some old streams on Crunchyroll...