Jurnal Dinamika HukumKurniawan, Andre. "Tugas dan Fungsi Keuchik, Tuha Peuet dalam Penyelenggaraan Peme- rintahan Gampong Lampisang Kecamatan Peukan Bada Kabupaten Aceh Besar ber- dasarkan Qanun Nomor 8 Tahun 2004 ten- tang Pemerintahan Gampong". Jurnal Di- namika Hukum, Vol. 10 No. 3...
FUNGSI BANTUAN HUKUM BAGI ANGGOTA POLRI PELAKU TINDAK PIDANA KEKERASAN DALAM RUMAH TANGGAIn this legal writing, the problem formulations are: 1) how is the process of providing legal assistance to the members of Indonesia Police Force in legal area of Regional Po...
Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Lahan Pertanian Akibat Terjadinya Alih Fungsi Lahan di Indonesia 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 15 作者:IK Ayu,BK Heriawanto 摘要: Depletion of agricultural land the food also caused Indonesia to import food to meet the needs of the community. It should, ...
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang Kebijakan E-Waste Management Pada Perguruan Tinggi Berbasis ICT : Suatu Tinjauan Perspektif Green Thought dan Hukum Lingkungan (Studi Kasus Universitas Komputer Indonesia 2007-2011). Sebagai perguruan ting... SO Putri,FW Sari 被引量: 0发表: 2015年 TINJAUAN AKIBAT HU...
Land is the basic human right which is important value, strategic and special for indigenous peoples in Indonesia. Indigenous peoples in Indonesia have particular rights, including the land rights, which is termed as customary or communal rights....
structural to functional positions have not fulfilled the Theory of Legal Effectiveness in relation to regulations that have been issue.Mastoah, SitiJurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi
PERANAN DAN FUNGSI PRAPERADILAN DALAM\\ud\nPENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA DI INDONESIAPretial is a new institution in the world of justice in Indonesia in\\udthe lives of law enforcement. Pretrial court instead of a stand\\udalone agency. Circuit in the process of criminal ju...
POLITIK HUKUM PEMBENTUKAN OTORITAS JASA KEUANGAN SEBAGAI LEMBAGA PENGAWAS SEKTOR PERBANKAN DI INDONESIA Ashinta Sekar Bidari. S320811003. The Legal Politics in the Establishment of the Financial Service Authority as a Banking Sector-Supervising Institution in Indonesia. Thesis: The Graduate Program in ...
FUNGSI KODE ETIK KEPOLISIAN DALAM MENCEGAH PENYALAHGUNAAN WEWENANG SEBAGAI APARAT PENEGAK HUKUM This study titled Function Code of Police in Preventing Abuse of Authority As Law Enforcement Officers. The problems of this research is the police code of ethics Is already be applicable to members of...
FUNGSI KARTU TENAGA KERJA LUAR NEGERI (KTKLN)DALAM UPAYA PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM BAGITENAGA KERJA INDONESIAThe establishing of "The Function of Card for Overseas Workers (KTKLN) as the Legal Protection for Indonesian Blue-collar Workers and Craftsmen Employed Overseas...