a substance used for destroying fungi. [1885–90] fun`gi•cid′al,adj. fun`gi•cid′al•ly,adv. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
Providing a safer way to garden. Healthy, gentle and effective care for your house plants, yard, garden trees and shrubs. Blue Magic™Home and Garden products are safe for bees and proven to attract beneficial insects such as ladybugs and praying mantis. The Ecologically smart solution for ef...
especially on photosynthesis. An alteration in photosynthesis might lead to a reduction in photoassimilate production, resulting in a decrease in both growth and yield of crop plants. For example, a contact fungicide such as copper
The invention can be used for pre-plant seed treatment and also for the treatment of seedlings in the cultivation of plants in hotbed and green house facilities, on personal plots, in urban forestry and farms, and also when planting areas in agricultural complexes, forest nurseries, forest ...
Bonide Neem Oil Insecticidal Soapis a neem oil insecticide that's particularly effective. You can use it to safely treat your house plants for mealybugs, aphids, whiteflies, thrips and fungus gnats. It kills many other bugs, too. However, these are the most commonly found on indoor plants....
when used in harsh environments are likely to endure producing/releasing phytohormones such as IAA. This crucial growth-augmenting plant hormone will thus be accessible to plants even at high levels of pesticides. A trend similar to IAA was observed for siderophore production.M. cicerisynthesized sid...
Light intensity (FFF) in the green house was maintained between 458±50 μmol m 2 s-1 , measure at midday and the photoperiod regime corresponded to natural cycles. Homogeneous MD-2 pineapple vitroplants (plantlets) (120) with on average 8.8 leaves, a length of 8.9 cm and a fresh ...
thus making it impossible for the pathogen to compete and invade the root. In the case ofPhytophthora cinnamomi, the numbers of sporangia and zoospores are found to be reduced when rhizospheric soil extracts of AM plants are applied; it means the AM fungi are able to alter the microbial popu...
Disclosed is a fungicide for agricultural and horticultural use which is characterized by containing an inorganic copper compound and a polymer thickener having a sulfonyl group. Th
Carbon disulphide for improving the efficacy of rodenticide baiting and trapping of the house rat, Rattus rattus L. Rodenticide baiting and trapping are the common methods for the control of the house rat, Rattus rattus, which is a predominant commensal and agricultural ... VR Parshad - 《Intern...