Each filament is known as a hypha and an aggregation of hyphae is known as a mycelium. Hyphae are thin transparent tubes containing protoplasm and bounded by a rigid cell wall. The walls of fungal hyphae are composed of many layers (multilaminate) each consisting of variously orientated fibrils...
AM fungi are characterized by fungal structures (arbuscules, vesicles, hyphae) that penetrate the cells of the host root and extra-radical mycelium found in the soil (Smith and Read 2008). From: Pedobiologia, 2011 About this pageAdd to MendeleySet alert ...
of Advanced Biodiversity Research, Berlin, Germany and 3Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), Wageningen, The Netherlands The ISME Journal (2017) 11, 2175–2180; doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.86; published online 14 July 2017 Introduction Fungi are prominent components of every ecosystem —in ...
Today, however, fungi are regarded as a monophyletic group more closely related to animals than plants and they occupy their own Kingdom (FIG. 3.1). Plesiomorphies shared with animals include the presence of chitin, food stored as glycogen, and, in the mitochondrial RNA, the bases uracil–...
The endolithic fungi are needle-like, ribbon-like and silk-like, and 5-18 μm long, 0.3-0.5 μm wide at their base, with pointed tip, and are unbranched. The hyphae are mainly composed of oxygen, carbon and calcium, and are with minor sodium, potassium, chlorine and sulfur. The en...
The results of the isolation, characterization and evaluation of fungal community changes showed that the sugarcane fungal community is composed of at least 35 different genera, mostly in the phylum Ascomycota. Many genera are observed at very low frequencies among a few most abundant genera, some ...
Some mycologists are of opinion that the fungi have evolved from algae by loss of chlorophyll. If this is true, the fungi are plants and are properly placed in the plant ‘kingdom’. Mycologists of other school of thought, however, believe that the fungi had a common ancestry,...
The central strand is composed of Fe-oxides and surrounded by the clay phase. EDX analyses indicate the presence of carbon throughout the filaments, even where these are mineralized. Raman spectroscopic analysis on the mineralized filaments and the carbonaceous filaments shows characteristics of typical...
of multiple synthetic bicistrons where the translation of genes of interest (GOI) are coupled to those of endogenous genes of the host. Since the partner open reading frames in the bicistron are co-transcribed under the control of the same native promoter, the expression of the upstream, ...
Actin has crucial roles in exocytosis, endocytosis, organelle movement and cytokinesis in fungi, and these processes are coupled to the production of distinct higher-order structures (actin patches, cables and rings) that generate forces or serve as tracks for intracellular transport. New approaches ...