When it comes to fungal skin infections, symptoms can make a big difference in diagnosis. For example, if it always shows up as blisters, or acne-like bumps, it can be a sign of a yeast infection in the skinfolds. If there are rings or a reddish rash on the skin, then it's more...
fungal infections on the face, or infections on other areas of the body. Ringworm creates a characteristic fungal infection skin rash that is circular, raised, red, and itchy. People usually pick up ringworm from other people, pets, or contaminated items that carry the organism. Keep your skin...
Ringworm, or tinea corporis, is a fungal skin infection named for its ring-shaped rash with a worm-like edge. Ringworm is contagious and can spread through direct contact with infected people or animals or by touching tainted clothing or furniture. Heat and humidity can help the spread of the...
A common term for tinea capitis isringworm of the scalp. The term ringworm came about because the skin rash with a dermatophyte (skin fungus) infection is round to oval in shape with raised borders that gives it the appearance of a ring. The infection is not caused by a worm but by a...
When it comes to fungal skin infections, symptoms can make a big difference in diagnosis. For example, if it always shows up as blisters, or acne-like bumps, it can be a sign of a yeast infection in the skinfolds. If there are rings or a reddish rash on the skin, then it's more...
When it comes to fungal skin infections, symptoms can make a big difference in diagnosis. For example, if it always shows up as blisters, or acne-like bumps, it can be a sign of a yeast infection in the skinfolds. If there are rings or a reddish rash on the skin, then it's more...
A red, circular, rash with raised edges Redness on your groin or thigh Flaking, peeling, or cracking skin Jock itch diagnosis Doctors can usually diagnose it by what it looks like and where it is on your body. They might look at a sample of skin under a microscope to be sure. ...