Fungi are eukaryotic, unicellular, or filamentous organisms that lack chlorophyll, have chitinous cell walls, and reproduce asexually, sexually, or both ways. All available evidence indicates that humans and animals contract most fungal infections by exposure to infectious particles originating from sapro...
There are four main causes of infections of the central nervous system (CNS). These include bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoal agents. Bacterial infections can be caused by pyogenic organisms, or may be due to mycobacteria or spirochetes. Bacterial
Also, such experiments have yet to accommodate the fact that the structure of chitin microfibrils varies significantly in different organisms and even in different parts of the cell wall [24] (Figure 1). Size-dependent immune reactivity helps explain the importance of chitin-degrading proteins, ...
They are the remains of various groups of organisms, including cyanobacteria, algae, rhizopods, fungi, and invertebrates (Shumilovskikh et al., 2021). NPPs are very important elements improving interpretation based on pollen analysis because their identification helps to reach an additional, ...
In contrast, in part because of the lack of suitable model organisms, data on the biological role of the mitochondrial CLPXP protease complex, aside from its implied function in the so-called ‘mitochondrial unfolded protein response’13,14,15, is scarce and to date no physiological substrates ...
Response to oxidative stress is universal in almost all organisms and the mitochondrial membrane protein, BbOhmm, negatively affects oxidative stress responses and virulence in the insect fungal pathogen, Beauveria bassiana. Nothing further, however, is
In recent years, an increasing body of research on GPI-CWPs has been performed to (i) enable gene discovery by comparative genomics, (ii) study gene regulation by genome-wide expression analysis, (iii) elucidate physiological roles by molecular genetic approaches using original organisms and hetero...
of To supercom- further the understanding of supercomplex assembly and regulation, it arises as an important future task to address the specialized role and heterogeneous nature of distinct ETC complex variants in different organisms, especially regarding their importance for higher order organization of ...
Organisms Diversity Evol 16:743–760 Article Google Scholar Piepenbring M (1996) Smut fungi (Ustilaginales and Tilletiales) in Costa Rica. Nova Hedwigia Beih 113:1–155 Google Scholar Piepenbring M (2001) Smut fungi (Ustilaginomycetes and Microbotryales, Basidiomycota) in Panama. ...
Bahram M, Netherway T (2022) Fungi as mediators linking organisms and ecosystems. FEMS Microbiol Rev 46(2):1–16. Article CAS Google Scholar Barghoorn ES, Linder DH (1944) Marine fungi: their taxonomy and biology. Farlowia 1(3):395–467 Google...