"Fungal Families of the World" portrays the immense diversity of the Kingdom Fungi. As well as basic information on all currently recognised families, detailed entries are provided on over 250 key families, describing their morphology, ecology, phylogeny, distribution and economic significance. The ...
Fungal Families of the World portrays the immense diversity of the Kingdom Fungi. As well as basic information on all currently recognised families, detailed entries are provided on over 250 key families, describing their morphology, ecology, phylogeny, distribution and economic significance. Key Featu...
Fungal Families of the World, Paul F Cannon & Paul M Kirk, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, 2007, ISBN 978-0-85199-827-5, Pp. xiii + 456, numerous figs (about 900 in colour). Price: £ 95, US$ 190, 150€. Author links open overlay panel...
The class includes many important plant pathogens, as well as endophytes, saprobes, epiphytes, coprophilous and fungicolous, lichenized or lichenicolous taxa. They occur in terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats worldwide. This paper reviews the 107 families of the class Sordariomycetes and ...
Cannon PF, Kirk PM (2007) Fungal Families of the world, illustrate. CABI, Wallingford, p 456 Book Google Scholar Cannon PF, Minter DW (1983) The nomenclatural history and typification of Hypoderma and Lophodermium. Taxon 32:572–583 Article Google Scholar Cannon PF, Minter DW (1984) Rhy...
The activity-based classification of enzymes has been revised over the past 20 years, dividing GHs presently into more than 130 families and auxiliary activities (AAs) into 11 families (Lombard, Ramulu, Drula, Coutinho, & Henrissat, 2014; http://www.cazy.org). In general, fungal CBHs belong...
Superficial fungal infections are widespread, regardless of age and gender, in populations all around the world and may affect the skin and skin appendages. Although there are thousands of fungal infections from various genera and families in nature, those that are pathogenic for humans and nesting...
2007. Fungal families of the world. Wallingford, CAB International. Davis PH. 1965. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol. 1. Edinburgh, Edinburgh Univ Press. Jordan M. 1995. The encyclopedia of fungi of Britain and Europe. Devon, David & Charles Book Co. Kaya A, Akan Z, ...
Cannon PF, Kirk PM (2007) Fungal families of the world. CABI Bioscience, Wallingford Google Scholar Cannon PF, Damm U, Johnston PR, Weir BS (2012) Colletotrichum-current status and future directions. Study Mycol 73:181–213 Article CAS Google Scholar Castañeda-Ruiz RFC, Heredia G, Reyes...
Cannon PF, Kirk PM (2007) Fungal families of the world. CABI, England Google Scholar Carlucci A, Raimondo ML, Santos J, Phillips AJL (2012)Plectosphaerellaspecies associated with root and collar rots of horticultural crops in southern Italy. Persoonia 28:34–48 ...