Among the 5 million species of fungi known, 300 species can cause human diseases, and 20 species often infect humans [1], [2]. CDC divided the diseases caused by fungal infection into four categories, including most common fungal diseases, fungal diseases that affect people who live in or ...
diseases of humans and animals that are caused by parasitic fungi. In humans The most common mycotic infections in humans are dermatomycoses. Some mycoses affect only humans and are transmitted from man to man or through infected utensils and apparel. Other mycotic infections are transmitted to hu...
Superficial mycoses, such as dermatophytic infections of the skin and nails, affect more than 25% of the population worldwide, although they are generally treatable3. The annual medical cost of fungal diseases is estimated to exceed 7.2 billion dollars in the United States alone5. The ...
“Often we study marine mammals because they play important roles in the ecosystem, and they are cool,” said Joe Gaydos, UC Davis wildlife veterinarian at SeaDoc Society and co-investigator. “Too often we forget that they can also alert us to diseases that affect humans.” Reference: “Ep...
the presence of opportunistic pathogens that can affect health of immunocompromised astronauts. So far, majority of the indoor microbiome studies have focused on the bacterial microbiome without analyzing the mycobiome. In addition, those few studies that characterized fungi of indoor environments focused ...
Unfortunately, it now appears that fungal infectious diseases have not attracted adequate attention in past years from the standpoint of development of anti-mycotics (Perfect, 2017; Fisher et al., 2018). To some extent, the consequence of this indifference stems from the historical effectiveness of...
Fungal diseases:A fungus that invades the tissue may cause a disease limited to the skin, spread into tissue, bones, and organs or affect the entire body. Symptoms depend on the infected region but can involve skin rash or vaginal infection that contributes to irregular di...
This chapter discusses the major potato diseases worldwide: late blight, early blight, wart, and powdery scab. Late blight, caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, continues to be the main biotic constraint of potato production. Annual losses have been estimated to be about €6.1 billion,...
diseases of humans and animals but was not particularly effective againstbacterial diseases of plants. Besides, the demand for use against bacterial diseases of humans and animals was so great and the antibiotic was so expensive that its use against bacterial diseases of plants was considered ...
How do antibiotics in livestock affect drug resistant bacteria? What skin diseases are caused by fungi? Protozoan and helminthic diseases are difficult to treat because How do doctors treat contact dermatitis? What is the causative agent of ringworm?