TAI FUNG RESOURCES LIMITED is a Hong Kong company. Registered in Southern, located on the Heung Yip Road. It has been operating for 9 year 8 month 17 days. You can browse the English name,Chinese Name, Name of History, Directors Information, registration number, date of establishment, date...
There are 18,601 private residential units, involving 161,289 population in Kwun Tong(Kwun Tong District).Major streets included Ngau Tau Kok Road(Kwun Tong Section)、Wai Yip Street(Kwun Tong Section). Major estates include Grand Central,Po Pui Court,Tsui Ping (North) Estate,Cheung Wo Court,...
Find property for sale in Ning Fung Court・TING FUNG HOUSE (BLOCK C) by Centaline Property's most uncluttered property portal with VR360 video.
業豐工業大廈 Yip Fung Industrial Building 業豐工業大廈 Yip Fung Industrial Building 房号 28-36 路(lù) 葵豐街 Kwai Fung Crescent 建筑(Jiànzhù) 工业 +− 100 m 300 ft Leaflet| ©OpenStreetMapcontributors |Impressum / Imprint
ENGLISH|中文版 PRODUCT CATERGORY - ggg - - KUBOTA - - GL Series - - J Series - - KJ Series - - SQ Series - HOT PRODUCT ENQUIRY ISO CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL Unit 1905, Prosperity Place, No. 6, Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong Kowloon, ...
Bldg. Profile: Address 0174 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Floor Mid Area Approx. 200sq.ft. CD 1970Year View -- Facilities -- Transp. -- A/C System -- Advertisement Date: 23/02/2021 Similar Properties Details Kin Tak Fung Industrial Build...
元朗(德業街) Yuen Long (Tak Yip Street) - 飛機維修區 Aircraft Maintenance Area E36S 元朗(媽橫路) Yuen Long (Ma Wang Road) - 機場 Airport 合益路 Hop Yick Road 3 min walk 55 - 大樹下西路 Tai Shu Ha Road West - 元朗站 (朗明街) Yuen Long Station (Long Ming Street) 鳳庭苑 ...
豐葉閣 Fung Yip Kok 時高大廈 Edifício Si Kou 廣昌大廈 金定大廈 安定大廈 永豐大廈 Edifício Weng Fong 德業大廈 Edifício Tak Yip 文興樓 Edifício Man Heng 綠景大廈 興利大廈 致財大廈 Edifício Chi Choi 寶來大廈 鴻業大廈 Edifício Hong Ip 廣宜居 Edifício ...
The nearest bus stops to 容鳳書紀念中心 Yung Fung Shee Memorial Centre in Hong Kong are 觀塘法院 Kwun Tong Law Courts, 茶果嶺道, 近容鳳書紀念中心尤德夫人分科診療所 Cha Kwo Ling Road, Near Yung Fung Shee Memorial Centre Pamela Youde Polyclinic, 成業街休憩公園 Shi...
1F&5F LUNG FUNG GROUP CENTRE 23 YIP CHEONG STREET FANLING 商品/服务项目 已申请群组: 3501;3502;3503;3504;3506;3507;3508;3509 已申请商品/服务: 3501广告 3502商业管理辅助 3503进出口代理;市场营销 3504人事管理咨询 3506计算机数据库信息系统化