and was also in charge of the cemetery. He was an ordained minister for over 60 years, was an adjunct instructor at Arkansas Northeastern College for 10 years, and retired in December 2007 after three terms as Mississippi County Coroner. Tommy and Mabelee were married for 65 years, and have...
Funeral homes are compelled (via the FTC’s Funeral Rule) to give you prices over the telephone. Keep your budget a secret— Don’t tell the funeral homes how much money you can spend. If they ask you about your budget, simply say, “I’m not sure, but it won’t be much. What...
Funeral homes are compelled (via the FTC’s Funeral Rule) to give you prices over the telephone. Keep your budget a secret— Don’t tell the funeral homes how much money you can spend. If they ask you about your budget, simply say, “I’m not sure, but it won’t be much. What...
Cemeteries | Roller Funeral Homes (Home Office) - Your most trusted source for cemetery services in Little Rock, AR and surrounding areas.