We are proud to be located in, and a part of, the communities of Manchester, Strawberry Point and Edgewood. Leonard-Muller Funeral Home & Crematory is owned and operated by Brian and Jodi Muller. We offer a variety of funeral service options from traditional services to cremation services and...
There are currently2500funeral home listings for the state of Pennsylvania and we provide all the cemetery information for the state as well. First settlers came in 1643 in the state Pennsylvania and was the first state capital at the time of the Revolutionary War and York (which had been nam...
Manchester (5) Manilla (1) Manly (1) Manning (1) Manson (2) Mapleton (1) Maquoketa (2) Marathon (1) Marcus (1) Marengo (1) Marion (2) Marshalltown (5) Mason City (6) Massena (1) Maxwell (1) Maynard (2) Mc Gregor (2) Mechanicsville (1) Mediapolis (1) Meservey (1) Milfo...