Keep Your Funds Safe from Escheatment Learn more about how to keep your account active to prevent it from being escheated. Keep your accounts active. State laws require that financial accounts which show no signs of customer contact or customer-initiated activity must event...
The rules for determining when a security or security distribution is required to be escheated to the state vary considerably by state and may depend on the type of account. Some states require escheatment if you have not initiated contact or activity with the Funds within a specified time pe...
If we do not receive the completed claim form from you in time, your funds will be escheated. At that point, you will need to submit a claim with the state that received the funds to request a repayment.Learn about when you'll see a credit reflected on your bill Frequently asked quest...
They feel cheated by public agencies that engage in political patronage, for example, that enable workers to game their final working year or two (through overtime, extra shifts, undeserved last-minute promotions, and other manipulative gimmicks) to retire with pension payments that are as much a...