Basically, when you join a private school, you are expected to pay tuition in full to cover your education. EvenMcCarthy High Schoolthough some private schools have bursaries, the fees are usually higher than the ones charged by public schools, if any is being charged at all. Most private ...
An alumni directory.One of the main reasons alumni visit your website is to network with other alumni in their field. Make it easy for alumni to connect by creating a password-protected alumni directory and hosting it on your website. In the directory itself, enable filtering by college, ma...
, institutionalizes birthdays into donor records, and is able to act with timeliness to provide good stewardship via a sincere “Happy Birthday” is place doing good work. It is the grandson who calls his grandmother on her birthday every year without fail, and has his college tuition covered...
Beloit College creates alistof realities for incoming freshman that help inform their faculty. It’s turned in a thing, really. It’s fun, it’s insightful, and it’s useful. For example, you may not know “1. Eminem and LL Cool J could show up at parents’ weekend.” for those in...