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Experts at DonorPerfect have created a series of fundraising e-books to help nonprofits implement technology and best practices to improve fundraising
When nonprofits reach out to us, they often have questions and don’t know who to turn to for solid advice. How can I raise more money? Why isn’t my board engaged in fundraising? Is this the right time to raise money? How much do you think I can raise?
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising: Peer-to-peer fundraising is one of the most effective fundraising methods for nonprofits today. Your supporters can advocate on your behalf and raise funds for your mission. Learn how you can get started with a peer-to-peer campaign today! Pledge Donations: Bring in...
And even if you’re a seasoned fundraiser, constantly coming up with fresh ideas for fundraising can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve put together 136 creative ideas for fundraisers for nonprofits and membership organizations! For each idea, you can expect to see: The cost, ranging from ...
30+ Top Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits Table of Contents Most modern fundraisers are more than aware of peer-to-peer fundraising, where you encourage your nonprofit’s supporters to fundraise on your behalf. These campaigns combine a sense of purpose with the social and ...
guaranteed to help you increase gift revenueor return the books for a 100% refund! get yours now! $54.95 About theAuthors John Shimer Non-Profit Expert and Philanthropist Nonprofit expert and philanthropist with over 40 years advising top nonprofits on how to acquire and keep BIG MONEY donors....
"I looked for something like Getting to Giving when I started as CEO at NPR, to no avail. I predict that it will be a “must read” for nonprofits." -Vivian Schiller, former CEO of National Public Radio Getting To Giving Fundraising The Entrepreneurial Way ...
The Little Book of Gold: Fundraising for Small (and Very Small) NonprofitsErik Hanberg
I explain every event, activity, orinternet fundraisingidea in as much detail as possible. I also show you how you can customize and personalize each idea for different nonprofits, including: Charity Fundraisers Church FundraisingEvents and Ideas ...