I can make you a peanut butter sandwich right now or pizza delivery in 8 hours John this is a brilliant idea because now it all becomes about time not money Simon Exactly! Beate But time has no meaning any more Simon The true equaliser Money is never an equaliser But we’...
The ASCII range of 97-122 has the lower-case letters of the alphabet and 65-90 range has the capitalized letters of the alphabet The numbers beyond 170 can also have meaning, such as special characters and the Greek alphabet. Some combinations may require a 0 before the 3 digit combinatio...
I can make you a peanut butter sandwich right now or pizza delivery in 8 hours John this is a brilliant idea because now it all becomes about time not money Simon Exactly! Beate But time has no meaning any more Simon The true equaliser Money is never an equaliser But we’...
The ASCII range of 97-122 has the lower-case letters of the alphabet and 65-90 range has the capitalized letters of the alphabet The numbers beyond 170 can also have meaning, such as special characters and the Greek alphabet. Some combinations may require a 0 before the 3 digit combination...