sci中的funding statement 题目:科学论文中的经费声明(Funding Statement) 引言: 科学研究是一个需要大量经费资助的领域。在科学论文中,经费声明(funding statement)是一项重要的组成部分,通常位于引言部分末尾或后记中。经费声明清晰地记录了研究工作所获得的资金来源,包括资助机构、项目编号等信息。本文将一步一步回答...
Funding Statement部分主要用来列出研究资金来源,包括资助机构、基金名称、项目编号等。这一部分旨在说明研究的资金来源,有助于读者了解研究项目的背景和资金支持情况。 Acknowledgments部分则是对那些为研究做出贡献,但不符合作者资格标准或未参与论文撰写工作的人员或机构表示感谢。这些人或机构可能包括数据收集和分析人员、技...
The cohort study is supported by the Wellcome Trust. The initial phasesof the cohort were funded by the European Union and the BrazilianNational Program for Centers of Excellence (PRONEX), NationalResearch Council (CNPq), and Ministry of Health. None ofthese organizations influenced the study desig...
The cohort study is supported by the Wellcome Trust. The initial phasesof the cohort were funded by the European Union and the BrazilianNational Program for Centers of Excellence (PRONEX), NationalResearch Council (CNPq), and Ministry of Health. None ofthese organizations influenced the study desig...
Lesley Browning
sci中的funding statement和acknowledgments 在科学研究领域,每篇科技论文都包含一些特定的部分,例如摘要、引言、方法、结果和讨论等。然而,还有两个常常被人们忽视的部分,那就是"论文资助声明(funding statement)"和"致谢(acknowledgments)"。 首先,我们来探讨一下"论文资助声明"部分在科学论文中的重要性。"论文资助声明...
Funding Statement和Acknowledgments是科技论文中两个重要的篇章。Funding Statement帮助确保研究项目的透明度和可信度,展示资助方的支持和投入;Acknowledgments则表达作者对为研究项目提供帮助的个人和机构的感激之情。科研者在撰写这两个部分时,应遵循格式要求,如实准确地陈述资金来源和感谢对象,同时注意撰写细节和表达方式,以...
The Pensions Regulator - Annual funding statement: helping trustees understand the regulator's expectations 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 6 摘要: The Pensions Regulator is the regulator of work-based pension schemes in the UK ...
FundingStatement? Sincewelastsentyouanannualstatementthe TrusteeandGrouphavebeenworkingtogether onthe ormalactuarialvaluationo theScheme asat30April2013.Thiswascompletedon 18July2014andtheresultsareshownonpage2. Asparto this,theTrusteeandGrouphave
Funding statement: This work was partially supported by the Polish National Science Centre, grant number N N404 268339. 来自 BioMed Central 喜欢 0 阅读量: 466 作者: E Skorupska 摘要: 1 Background: Short-term vasodilatation in the pain area after dry needling (DN) of active2 trigger points...