Three Maine public school districts'' efforts to bolster student mental health support appear to have collided with the Trump administration''s distaste for expanded access to medical marijuana.doi:10.1002/mhw.32373Gary EnosMental Health Weekly
The purpose of a new Medical School Fund (K. I. Shine, Editorial, 3 Jan., p. 9) is to replace these clinical revenues and provide the schools with flexible funds for the support of their academic objectives. Some of the new funds would go toward the support of curricular innovation, ...
We describe here a feasible and data-based approach for obtaining important information about the percentage of our medical school graduates who primarily provide health care to the medically underserved. The logic and data used in our methodology have been acceptable to funding agencies. After making...
For mental health services, eligibility may involve conditions such as anxiety, depression, or other emotional or behavioral health issues that affect a student’s ability to succeed in school. 2. IEP, 504 Plans, and Medical Necessity: Both ABA therapy and mental health services can be inclu...
FSPFoundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific(Australia) FSPField Studies Program(Army Logistics Management College) FSPFinancial Sustainability Plan(WHO) FSPField Service Planning FSPFull Scale Production FSPFiglie di San Paolo(Italian: Daughters of Saint Paul; religious institute) ...
Additional Contributions: We would like to thank Larry Gruppen, PhD, University of Michigan Medical School, and Addeane Caelleigh, MA, University of Virginia School of Medicine, for providing expert quality ratings, and Stephen Cha, MS, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine for assistance with data ana...
Federal Funding for Biomedical Research: Commitment and Benefits Fueled by rapidly increasing government funding, the pace of biomedical research has soared during the past decade. When I first entered medical school 3... WH Frist - 《Jama the Journal of the American Medical Association》 被引量:...
International health education in US medical schools: trends in curriculum focus, student interest, and funding sources. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Approximately 2,500 of all 1992 US medical school graduates took part in international health elective experiences as medical st... JE Heck,D Wedemeyer ...
The scholarship targets Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical students who demonstrate a commitment to their community and to medicine, and who may not have the financial means to realise their dream. The value of the scholarship is currently $11,000 per annum, which is awarded for the ...
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