Department of Education. Federal funding for education can be broken down into three buckets: formula, discretionary, and response formula grants. The largest amounts of money traditionally come through Title I under ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act), and IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education...
Home Sweet Home the Achieva Family Trust Helps Individuals with Disabilities Close the Gap in Funding for Their Medical Services and Other ExpensesLauren Allenberg's new home in the city's Green Tree neighborhoodhas an elevator and specially...Gannon, Joyce...
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services today released a funding opportunity to award a total of $4 million to up to 10 organizations to increase access to high-quality substance use disorder (SUD) treatment for ind...
For long-term planning from 2024 onward, Crossley noted that the WFP is redesigning its programs in Syria. The focus is shifting from providing broad assistance to offering deeper support, with resources directed towards those facing the most severe food insecurity. The new approach aims to concent...
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), commonly referred to as the economic...Cortiella, Candace