Since its introduction in 1997, the purpose of Food Microbiology: Fundamentals and Frontiers has been to serve as an advanced reference that explores the breadth and depth of food microbiology. Thoroughly updated, the new Fifth Edition adds coverage of the ever-expanding tool chest of new and ext...
v v v v 1 PartOne Overviewof Corporate Finance Chapter1IntroductiontoCorporateFinance Chapter1describestheroleofthefinancialmanagerandthegoaloffinancial management.Italsodiscussessomekeyaspectsofthefinancialmanagement environment. Chapter2FinancialStatements,Taxes,andCashFlow Chapter2describesthebasicaccountingstatemen...
The current PMP® exam is NOT based solely on the 6th or the 7th edition of the PMBOK® but rather on the 2021 PMI® Exam Content Outline and multiple references including the Agile Practice Guide. Our facilitators are contributors to the 5th, 6th and 7th editions of the...
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition, by Brealey, Myers and Marcus, provides students with a solid framework of theory and application to use well after they complete the course. This author team is known for their outstanding research, teaching efforts, and world-renowned finance textbook...
Since its introduction in 1997, the purpose of Food Microbiology: Fundamentals and Frontiers has been to serve as an advanced reference that explores the breadth and depth of food microbiology. Thoroughly updated, the new Fifth Edition adds coverage of the ever-expanding tool chest of new and ext...