Power Electronics: Devices, Circuits, and Industrial Applications, 1/e The characteristics of modern power semiconductor devices like the power transistor, MOSFET and the IGBT are also discussed. Other relevant topics like cycloconverters, brushless DC motors, microprocessor fundamentals, microprocessor cont...
作者:B. Jayant Baliga 出版社:Springer 出版年:2008-09-05 页数:1096 定价:USD 139.00 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780387473130 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 推荐 内容简介· ··· Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices provides an in-depth treatment of the physics of operation of power semiconductor...
Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices provides an in-depth treatment of the physics of operation of power semiconductor devices that are commonly used by the power electronics industry. Analytical models for explaining the operation of all power semiconductor devices are shown. The treatment here ...
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Chapter 2 Material Properties and Transport Physics At present, most power semiconductor devices are mathe base material. Both unipolar and binufactured using silicon aspolar devices have been successfully developed from silicon to serve a very broad range of applications. As shown in the previous ...
Since no electrons are located at the Fermi level position in the semiconductor, it is useful to define an electron affinity for the semiconductor (χS) 170 FUNDAMENTALS OF POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES as the energy required to move an electron from the bottom of the conduction band in the ...
fundamentals of power semiconductor devices --baliga 星级: 67 页 Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices 星级: 1092 页 Fundamentals of power semiconductor devices 星级: 10 页 Power Semiconductor Devices 星级: 37 页 Power Semiconductor Devices 星级: 14 页 power semiconductor devices 星级: 6...
(10.1) 1030 FUNDAMENTALS OF POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES The power loss incurred in the transistor during the on-state duration from time t3 to t4 is given by PL,T (on) = t4 ? t3 I MVON,T . T (10.2) The power loss incurred in the transistor during the off-state duration beyond time...