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课程介绍:Fundamentals of power electronics 的配套视频教程 立即播放 课程免费缓存,随时观看~ 扫码下载网易公开课APP 收藏 课程列表 【第1集】技术的介绍译 【第2集】预赛和分级译 【第3集】保险范围是什么译 【第4集】新章节介绍译 【第5集】伏特-秒平衡和sm波纹约译 ...
Fundamentals of Power Electronics课程资料-十三至十五章 1502播放 1.1-同步降压转换器 07:34 1.2-同步降压转换器状态方程 04:01 1.3-平均化建模 11:54 1.4-负载点应用示例 01:58 1.5-传递函数 05:11 1.6-matlab测频率响应 03:37 1.7-闭环控制原理 06:54 1.8-反馈回路控制原理 06:24 1.9-同步降压型稳压...
FundamentalsofPowerElectronics高清版Br**勇敢 上传17.28 MB 文件格式 rar of 高清 Fundamentals of Power Electronics 自己整理,绝对高清 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 莱特蒙伯检漏仪.doc 2025-02-01 14:38:16 积分:1 cpp5.cpp 2025-02-01 13:43:57 积分:1 ...
电力电子必读Fundamentals of Power Electronics 下载链接 2020第三版 Fundamentals of Power Electronics 3rd.Edition电力电子技术与新能源 欢迎关注微信公众号:电力电子技术与新能源(Micro_Grid) 电力电子技术与新能源-光伏|风电|微电网|新能源汽车 - Powered by Discuz! (21micro-grid.com)编辑...
《Fundamentals of Power Electronics》(Robert W.Erickson, Dragan Maksimovic. 3rd Edi.)Solution-Chapter4 器不器 饱食终日,无所用心,难矣哉。39 人赞同了该文章 错误更正: 4.4对各个开关的电流的求解存在错误,按图中参考方向,正确的应是开关导通时电流为: i1=i3=iL2, i2=i4=iL1−iL2 4.5(b...
新Fundamentals of Power Electronics教材配套视频(42-46)(机翻) 3722播放 42 Flyback Converter Operation and Voltage Equation_高清 720P 08:02 43 Basic Concept of an Inverter_高清 720P 02:42 44 Half-Bridge Inverter Switch States_高清 720P 06:05 45 Half-Bridge Inverter with MOSFET Switches_高清...
Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Second Edition, is intended for use in introductory power electronics courses and related fields for both senior undergraduates and first-year graduate students interested in converter circuits and electronics, control systems, and magnetic and power systems. It will als...
Robert Erickson and Dragan Maksimovic, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, 2001, Springer Science+Business. The textbook was revised to improve its flow. Substantial new material was added on converter simulation using averaged switch models, current mode control, input filter design and Middlebrook's ...
Robert Erickson and Dragan Maksimovic, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, 2001, Springer Science+Business. The textbook was revised to improve its flow. Substantial new material was added on converter simulation using averaged switch models, current mode control, input filter design and Middlebrook's ...