we can use mathematical operators, such as addition (+), subtraction (−), and multiplication (*), for numeric fields to implement complex mathematical functionsFootnote2in the select clause. Here, the total damage of damaged properties and crops is the sum of the cost of damaged properties ...
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Notes 1. Unfortunately this does not hold good for pulses which are to refocus the transverse magnetization in spin-echo experiments, for instance. 2. The minus sign in the exponents originates from the antiparallel alignment of the Larmor frequency and magnetic flux density vectors for positive ...
Nagaoka University of TechnologysensorsIkuo Ihara, S.C. Mukhopadhyay RVM Huong, "Ultrasonic Sensing: Fundamentals and Its Applications to Nondestructive Evaluation: A draft", Sensors, Springer-Verilag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2008,pp 287-305Ihara, I. 2008. Ultrasonic sensing: fundamentals and its ...
Versions Notes Abstract The study of climatology serves as a foundation for students who wish to specialize in water resources, hydrology, or environmental engineering. Climatology is the study of long-term average weather patterns. It is a distinct field of study from meteorology and is subdivided...