The Caring in Nursing Practice chapter addresses the compassion nurses must incorporate with clinical competence to deliver comprehensive care. A CD-ROM companion, packaged with every text, includes a searchable audio glossary, Butterfield''s Fluid and Electrolytes tutorial, NCLEX-style review questions,...
engineering . Maybe you have knowledge that, people have look numerous times for their chosen readings like this solution manual fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering, but end up in infectious downloads. Rather than reading a good book with a cup of tea in the afternoon, instead they are...
this book provides a blueprint for applying critical thinking skills to answering the test questions that students will encounter throughout their nursing education. Extensive field testing with students and faculty ensures that all of the questions provide the information and test-taking experience stude...
This comprehensive and straightforward text explores the systems of the body and associated disorders. Each chapter provides an explanation of the anatomy of the human body, and the effects of disease or illness on normal physiology. This book is ideal for nursing students who will come into conta...