Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics. 3. Baski. Chicago; Qunintessence: 1997. p. 149.Shillingburg HT, Sather DA, Stone SE. Fundamentals of fixed prosthodontics. 4th ed. Chicago: Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Co Inc; 2012. p. 131-48.Shillingburg HT (2008) Fundamentals of Fixed ...
Fundamentals 作者:Shillingburg, Herbert T. (EDT)/ Hobo, Sumiya/ Whitsett, Lowell D./ Jacobi, Richard/ Brackett, Susan E./ Shillingburg, Herbert T. 出版社:Quintessence Pub Co 副标题:of Fixed Prosthodontics 页数:582 定价:448.00 元 装帧:HRD...