Fundamentals Of Computer Graphics Fifth Edition,计算机图形学基础。由于每一版的封面都是一只老虎,因此通常被称为“虎书”,是计算机图形学入门必读书籍,现在已经到了第五版。 Delbert准备开始读这本书了,…
7.4 透视变换的一些属性(Some Properties of the Perspective Transform) 7.5 视野(Field-of-View,FOV) 8 图形管线(The Graphics Pipeline) 8.1 光栅化(Rasterization) 8.2 光栅化前后的操作(Operations Before and After Rasterization) 8.3 简单抗锯齿(Simple Antialiasing) 8.4 剔除渲染图元提高效率(Culling Primitives...
Linear Algebra and Geometry 1 最受好评 总共47 小时更新日期 2024年10月 评分:5.0,满分 5 分5.07,303 当前价格US$11.99 原价US$74.99 Fundamentals of Math |Complete basic Mathematics Course 总共17.5 小时更新日期 2023年5月 评分:4.8,满分 5 分4.83,019 当前价格US$11.99 原价US$64.99 The Beginner's ...
The handbook includes a review of introductory mathematics and the concepts and functional use of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. Word problems, equations, calculations, and practical exercises that require the use of each of the mathematical concepts are also presented. This information...
Trigonometry: trigonometry deals with the study of the relationship between angles, lengths, and heights. The applications of trigonometry can be found in many spheres including architecture, physics, surveying, electronics, satellite navigation, astronomy and engineering. What are the Most Important Math...
To work in photonics it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the nature of light and its properties. Prerequisites This module requires a basic understanding of high school algebra, trigonometry, general scientific nomenclature, the scientific process, units conversions, and basic concepts in...
7.4透视变换的一些属性(Some Properties of the Perspective Transform) 7.5 视野(Field-of-View,FOV) 8 图形管线(The Graphics Pipeline) 8.1 光栅化(Rasterization) 8.2 光栅化前后的操作(Operations Before and After Rasterization) 8.3 简单抗锯齿(Simple Antialiasing) ...
Solid Angles and Spherical Trigonometry( 立体角和球面三角学)(44) 4. Vectors( 向量)(44) 1. Vector Operations(向量运算)(45) 2. Cartesian Coordinates of a Vector(向量的笛卡尔坐标)(46) 3. Dot Product(点积)(48) 4. Cross Product( 叉积)(49) 5. Orthonormal Bases and Coordinate Frames...