fundamentalist•Theybelongto afundamentalistchurch.•Butfundamentalistsare not usuallyhypocrites.•Theprotestwas led by a small group of Christianfundamentalists.•anorganizedChristianfundamentalistmovement•The president'sannouncementisboundtoangerreligiousfundamentalists.•Inrecentyears he had made a poin...
Opinion. Argues that the fundamentalist movement in the United States has veered away from the Judeo-Christian tradition. Antagonistic nature of the defining principle of Bible religions to Christianity; Growing concern over the political clout of the Christian Coalition; Bible religion as a betrayal ...
1.A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism. 2. a.oftenFundamentalismAn organized, militant Evangelical movement originating in the Unit...
fundamentalism (redirected fromReligious fundamentalist) Dictionary Encyclopedia Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> Protestantism fundamenta... noun Words related to fundamentalism nounthe interpretation of every word in the sacred texts as literal truth ...
Fundamentalism is a protest against that rationalistic interpretation of Christianity which seeks to discredit supernaturalism. This rationalism, when full grown, scorns the miracles of the Old Testament, sets aside the virgin birth of our Lord as a thing unbelievable, laughs at the credulity of tho...
•an organized Christianfundamentalistmovement•The president's announcement is bound to anger religiousfundamentalists.•When it comes to gay sex,fundamentalistsand Catholics are more than willing to co-operate with each other.•It was the first time thatfundamentalistshad killed a secularist ...
This isn’t exactly a biography, but a look at how Graham impacted the nation as a whole. This is a very valuable and interesting book by a prominent historian of Christianity. The Battle of Midwayby Craig Symonds Simply the best history of the battle of Midway that’s ever been written...
… life with Miku, he argues, has advantages over being with a human partner: She’s always there for him, she’ll never betray him, and he’ll never have to see her get ill or die. Mr. Kondo sees himself as part of a growing movement of people who identify as ‘fictosexuals.’...
You will find religious groups ranging all the way from fundamentalist Christianity to paganism to Buddhism. 你将会找到宗教性专题,范围很广,有基督教、异教信仰乃至佛教。 属类:行业术语-计算机-网络- Fundamentalism in Western Discourse-Focused on Islamic Fundamentalist Movement 西方论述下基本教义的初探-以...
Indian Christians Stopped an Anticonversion Law. Until Now. Surinder Kaur Believers in Arunachal Pradesh who faced persecution in the 1970s fear a new wave of repression is coming. Christianity Today Has Not Received USAID Funds Timothy Dalrymple ...