Articles 12-35 of the Indian Constitution deal with Fundamental Rights. These human rights are conferred upon the citizens of India and the Constitution tells that these rights are inviolable. Right to Life, Right to Dignity, Right to Education, etc. all come under one of the six main ...
The aim of the paper is insight on the constitution of India is based on the principles of liberty, equality, fraternity and justice. For achieving aim we haveSaumendra, DasSaibabu, N.Social Science Electronic Publishing
AS AN EXPRESSION OF CONSTITUTIONALISM IN INDIAIn this present running time of Indian Judiciary and the Society as a whole, a very blistering topic is beingdiscussed and that is `What are the Fundamental rights of the Citizen' and how are they carved and granted bythe `Constitution of India'...
In Indian constitution, provisions were made for elaborate centre-state relations in all aspects of their administrative and other activities. The size of the constitution became large, as provisions regarding the state administration were also included. Additionally, a detail list of...
In Indian constitution, Rights are classified mainly in three broad categories: (a) Civil (b) Political (c) Economic and Social. Fundamental Rights in India recognize certain civil rights. Certain Political and Economic and Social rights are recognized by other provisions in the Constitution. The...
Collective rights Social duties 1. Introduction Human rights have increasingly been center-staged in fisheries governance discourse in recent years [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]. Assisted by the latest adoption of the Voluntary Guidelines on Securing Sustainable Small-...
In contrast, the patent law provides with 20 years of exclusive use for a technical invention. However, it is worth to note that not all forms of intellectual property rights expire after a certain period of time. For example, trademark protection can last virtually for...
The law provides for the conversion of existing mining rights (so called 'Old Order Rights') to rights under the new regime ('New Order Rights') subject to certain undertakings to be made by the company applying for such conversion. The Mining Charter requires that mining companies achieve 15...
As there have been incorporated fundamental duties in Indian Constitution even though they were incorporated at a later stage after the passage of the Indian Constitution. The present paper is to make a critical analysis to measure the legal dimensions of the Fundamental ...
Fundamental Rights in Indian ConstitutionBijoy Krishna Paul