内容提示: arXiv:0704.0317v1 [math.DG] 3 Apr 2007Complete Shrinking Ricci Solitons have Finite FundamentalGroupWilliam WylieAbstract. We show that if a complete Riemannian manifold supports a vec-tor field such that the Ricci tensor plus the Lie derivative of the metric withrespect to the vector...
In the case of a complete noncompact shrinking gradient Ricci soliton, building upon the works of Derdzinski, Fernandez-Lopez and Garcia-Rio, Lott, Naber, and Wylie, we obtain a bound for the order of its fundamental group pi(1) in terms of the dimension n and the logarithmic Sobolev ...
The Einstein-Hilbert action in the observational 24 conformal frame can be described as √ LEH = −gobs 1 2 Robs − Λobs + Lobs M , (24) where R is the Ricci scalar, Λ is the cosmological constant, LM is the matter Lagrangian, and obs specifies that we are choosing the ...