Fundamental frequency definition: the lowest frequency at which a medium will freely oscillate.. See examples of FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY used in a sentence.
Define fundamental law. fundamental law synonyms, fundamental law pronunciation, fundamental law translation, English dictionary definition of fundamental law. n the law determining the constitution of the government of a state; organic law Collins Engli
Define Fundamental theory. Fundamental theory synonyms, Fundamental theory pronunciation, Fundamental theory translation, English dictionary definition of Fundamental theory. n. A physical theory that attempts to explain all the fundamental interactions
Fundamental constant definition: a physical constant, such as the gravitational constant or speed of light, that plays a fundamental role in physics and chemistry and usually has an accurately known value. See examples of FUNDAMENTAL CONSTANT used in a s
Frequency:When a wave is moving through a point on an object, then the physical quantity which is used to measure the number of oscillations in a unit time is called frequency. In the SI system, it is represented in units of {eq}\rm{Hertz} {/eq}....
These have implications on the propagation of electromagnetic wave packets in curved spacetime, as well as on the comparison of clocks and frequency references at different locations. In particular, since the relevant modes of the electromagnetic field will have a transverse size far smaller than the...
4. (General Physics) of or concerned with the component of lowest frequency in a complex vibration n 5. a principle, law, etc, that serves as the basis of an idea or system: teaching small children the fundamentals of road safety. 6. (Music, other) a. the principal or lowest note...
fundamental particle - (physics) a particle that is less complex than an atom; regarded as constituents of all matter elementary particle natural philosophy, physics - the science of matter and energy and their interactions; "his favorite subject was physics" antilepton - the antiparticle of a ...
The concept of rest mass is directly related to the Compton frequency of a body, which is precisely what is measured by the watt balance. The conversion factor between mass and frequency is the Planck constant, which could therefore be fixed in a realistic and consistent new definition of the...