2009. Do high book-to-market stocks offer returns to fundamental Analysis in India? Decision, 36(2):155-175Aggarwal, N,and M.Gupta (2009). "Do High Book-to-Market Stocks Offer Returns to Fundamental Analysis in India?",Decision 36(2),PP.155-175....
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To this end, we are using three main levers: the thorough implementation and further development of our business continuity plans across our network, the active management of our stocks, and the assessment of alternative transportation routes to reach our customers and patients. In 2022, Healthcare...
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Unfortunately, mining stocks have seen a significant de-rating since May this year on the back of short-term uncertainty. This is disappointing for the management and shareholders of BHP Billiton. While we expect commodity markets to remain volatile in the short term, we are confident that ...
Equally, Tarmac's customers are reinforcing their commitment to green logistics by advocating CHEP equipment over the disposable or one way alternatives, which diminish lumber stocks and contribute to unnecessary waste disposal, creating a negative impact on the environment. Page 29 Brambles ...
(2015). A Study to Analyze Impact of Selected Tools of Fundamental Analysis on Market Price of Selected Listed Sugar Stocks in India. A Study to Analyze Impact of Selected Tools of Fundamental Analysis on Market Price of Selected Listed Sugar Stocks in India (March 15, 2015)....