GA— stands for the gestational age in weeks and days, turned into decimals. (e.g., 1 week 1 day = 1 ⅐ weeks = 1.14 weeks); and ln— a short way to write the natural logarithm. This fundal height estimation was established by the INTERGROWTH-21st project. How to use the fundal...
In these mothers, the G.A was estimated by ultrasonography (BPD,FL) and measurement of fundal height at G.A of 22-25 weeks, 22-25 weeks, and then at G.A of 25 to 28 weeks. Conclusion: The results showed that measurement of fundal height like sonography has a high a high rate of...
Fundal height measurement should commence at 26--28 weeks, to monitor growth from soon after the fetus has reached viability. The UK National Institute of Clinical Excellence recommends measurement from 25 weeks for nulliparous women.30 Examinations should be done at each antenatal visit to assess ...
Objectives. To develop fundal height (FH) growth curve from normal singleton pregnancy based on last menstrual period (LMP) and/or ultrasound dating for women in the northern part of Thailand. Methods. A retrospective time-series study was conducted at f
Healthy, well nourished pregnant women enrolled into the Fetal Growth Longitudinal Study component of the INTERGROWTH-21st Project at 9-14 weeks' gestation, and followed up until birth. Symphysis-fundal height was measured every five weeks from 14 weeks' gestation until birth using standardised ...
doi:10.1097/EBP.0000000000000623Young, JosiahButtolph, AmeliaEvidence-Based Practice