MOM是Manager of Mangers的简称,指管理人的管理人基金,属于多管理人基金的一种。由MOM基金管理人通过...
Since the fund of funds (FOF) is an investor in these actively managed funds – i.e. the FOF is a limited partner (LP) – the fund structure is often referred to as a “multi-manager investment fund.” Therefore, rather than selecting individual stocks and bonds to invest in, or takin...
参与过国内最早的FOF基金的设计,也创建并管理过国内最早的MOM(manager of managers,可以认为是FOF的一...
At Russell Investments, we believe that a Manager of Manager (MofM) approach is superior to the more popular, traditionally unitised Fund of Funds (FofF). We explore the significant differences between the two approaches, from research to portfolio construction, active management and implementation ...
As a consequence, Franklin Templeton was the last foreign fund manager to queue with a whole series of funds. 结果,富兰克林邓普顿成为最后一家排队申请注册整整一个系列基金产品的外国基金管理公司。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Try to extract money from a hedge fund manager or the founder of a private ...
Work Culture Mutual Funds Product Manager-Analyst (在职员工) - Brooklyn, NY - 2016年8月8日 Exciting , friendly co-workers, hardest part of the job is the time sensitivity when volumes spike. Extremely qualified managers which give direction for advancement. 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告分享 ...