Analytics provides a number of variables to collect Analytics data. Variables in this section are split into several sections: Page variables are values that are typically used directly in reporting. Common page variables include props, eVars, and events. Config variables are settings values that hel...
The Storage Blob Data Owner role covers the basic needs of Functions host storage - the runtime needs both read and write access to blobs and the ability to create containers. Several extensions use this connection as a default location for blobs, queues, and tables, and these uses may add...
Formatted variables Individual rows Start and end of function calls_43 create or replace function advanced_example(num int default 10) _43 returns text _43 language plpgsql _43 as $$ _43 declare _43 var1 int := 20; _43 var2 text; _43 begin _43 -- Logging start of function _43 ...
Notice that now you need to enclose the result value of the function in parenthesis. You can also use the variable inside the function, and just add a return line at the end. Go will return the current values of those return variables. The simplicity of writing the return keyword at the...
It is possible to specify several type names in a type annotation like so: func sum(Integer|Float x, Integer|Float y) { //your code here } You can use any number of types for a single annotation: func doubleMe(Integer|Natural|Float|Decimal x) { //your code here } Returning from f...
Strings/Arrays/Objects/Text/Variables StrCount() - a very handy function to count a needle in a Haystack SuperInstr() - Returns min/max position for a | separated values of Needle(s) GetText() - copies the selected text to a variable while preserving the clipboard.(Ctrl+C method) ...
Here is an example of defining and invoking input-less functions: scala> def hi = "hi" hi: String scala> hi res0: String = hi The return type of functions, as with values and variables, are present even if they are not explicitly defined. And like values and variables, functions are...
The return statement is required if you want the function to save as variables the result or results following the operations in the function body. For example, if you want to create a function that calculates the mean of two numbers: mean_two_numbers <- function(num_1, num_2) { mean...
In a cloud-based approach, the test would create an Amazon SQS queue for the purposes of the test, and would deploy the Lambda function with environment variables that are configured to use the isolated Amazon SQS queue as the output destination. After running the Lambda function, the test wo...
The following cursor operations are not allowed for REF CURSOR variables based on table functions: SELECT FOR UPDATE WHERE CURRENT OFParallel Execution of Table FunctionsWith parallel execution of a function that appears in the SELECT list, execution of the function is pushed down to and conducted...