When you think of skeletal muscle, the movement of your body is probably the main thing that comes to your mind. These muscle cells are the ones you target when you hit the gym and they give you control over your body and limbs. In addition to creating movement, they also have the abi...
These three layers of connective tissue structure can not only maintain the morphology of skeletal muscle, but also play an important role in the physiological functions of muscle cells, such as the transmission of mechanical force, the regeneration of muscle fiber, and the formation of ...
With the further understanding of the mechanism of proliferation and differentiation of muscle cells, more and more attention has been paid to the important role of cell niche in development. ECM has also been widely used in the fields of developmental biology, regenerative medicine, and bioengineeri...
Potential effector and immunoregulatory functions of mast cells in mucosal immunity LL Reber1, R Sibilano1, K Mukai1 and SJ Galli1,2 Mast cells (MCs) are cells of hematopoietic origin that normally reside in mucosal tissues, often near epithelial cells, glands, smooth muscle cells, and nerves...
Masson and HE staining revealed that the intima and media of the vein grafts thickened at 28 d after surgery, and the smooth muscle cells in the media migrated and proliferated excessively, resulting in narrowing of the lumen of the vein grafts. To compare the degree of stenosis, we ...
But the increased ER stress response was only observed in pancreatic β-cells, not in heart, skeletal muscle, or brown adipose tissues from the WFS1-deficient mice13, indicating a specific function of WFS1 in pancreatic β-cells. Our data showed that the WFS1 is a receptor mediated the ...
Nonantioxidant Functions of α-Tocopherol in Smooth Muscle Cells1,2 (2001). Nonantioxidant functions of alpha-tocopherol in smooth muscle cells. Journal of Nutrition, 131, 378S-381S.Azzi, A.; Breyer, I.; Feher, M... A Azzi,I Breyer,M Feher,... - 《Journal of Nutrition》 被引量: ...
smooth muscle cells during oxidative stress-induced vascular remodeling and is responsible for deSUMOylation of β-catenin (Wnt/β-catenin is involved in vascular remodeling [81]) to protect β-catenin from proteasomal degradation, suggesting a role of SUMO regulation in hypertension and ...
During this process, intestinal stem cells (ISCs) residing near the crypt base give rise to rapidly proliferating transit amplifying cells, which then differentiate into enterocytes, goblet cells, enteroendocrine cells, tuft cells and Paneth cells1,2. The maintenance of intestinal homeostasis also ...
Mast cells (MCs) are cells of hematopoietic origin that normally reside in mucosal tissues, often near epithelial cells, glands, smooth muscle cells, and nerves. Best known for their contributions to pathology during IgE-associated disorders such as food allergy, asthma, and anaphylaxis, MCs are ...