Sara LlufriuEloy Martinez HerasJuan ForteaAlbert SaizLlufriu S, Martinez-Heras E, Fortea J, Blanco Y, Berenguer J, Gabilondo I, et al. Cognitive functions in multiple sclerosis: impact of gray matter integrity. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2013....
The brain is one of the largest and most complex organs in our body; it is composed of billions of neurons that communicate together by forming numerous connections and synapses. The brain weight is different between men and women; The male brain weighs about 1336 grams, and the female comes...
D Illustrates the lATR tract using the John Hopkins University white matter tractography atlas. E Scatterplots illustrates the distribution of FC in lATR on the y-axis and planning abilities scores on the x-axis. F Shows the distribution of FC in Isthmus on the y-axis and cognitive ...
Pathological studies observed a striking decline of myelin density in WM and an association of Aβ deposition with focal intracortical demyelination in gray matter [112,113,114]. Additionally, gene products related to myelin and oligodendrocyte modules, such as PICALM, were enriched within AD risk ...
Definition Outer gray matter layer of the cerebral hemispheres Lobes Each hemisphere is divided into six lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, insular and limbic. Principal sulci Lateral sulcus (Sylvian fissure): Separates the temporal lobe from the frontal and parietal lobesCentral sulcus: ...
The tuber cinereum is the region of gray matter extending from the optic chiasm to the mammillary bodies, from which the funnel-shaped infundibulum becomes continuous inferiorly with the infundibular stalk (hypophysial stalk) attached to the pituitary gland. The inferior aspect of the third ...
Microglia are central players in brain innate immunity and have been the subject of extensive research in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In this review, we aim to summarize the genetic and functional discoveries that have advanced our understanding of microg
Another study has reported that LLD is associated with lower gray matter volume but not higher amyloid burden [28]. These inconsistent findings of previous studies might be due to the heterogeneity of LLD. Not differentiating based on the age of depression onset potentially could confound the ...
Similar to the cerebrum, the whole outer surface of the cerebellum is covered by a superficial layer of gray matter, called the cerebellar cortex. The outer surface of the cerebellum is marked by a series of fissures that run more or less parallel to one another. The fissures subdivide the...
These functions allow for validation of the condition of a field, control, variable, or table. All these functions return Boolean values (true or false) based on the results of their evaluation. Often these functions are used with the If or Switch functions to produce messages...