Social policy, social citizenship and the historical idea of a social democratic welfare state in South Africa This paper continues the development state theme in historical context, but with a greater focus on very recent developments. The developmental state as a strategic objective is largely taken...
The commercialization has also an educational side. This includes the question of what types of bachelor, master, and Ph.D. theses are offered. Currently, we are facing a range from disciplinary basic research via inner science or applied interdisciplinary research to problem-solving and technol- ...
In South Africa, derivatives of trigonometric functions are introduced to the students for the first time in their first year in a university. In the secondary school curriculum, they studied derivatives of algebraic functions only. In their first year at university, they advance in their learning ...
(16) law kənti məštāʾtī-li kənti if be-pfv.aux.f.2sg be-ptcp.f.2sg-me be-pfv.aux.f.2sg b-təǧi la-ʿanna b-come-impfv.f.2sg “If you really wanted to see me, you’d come to our house.” The use of the indicative in Arabic dial...
to “Support positive economic, social and environmental links between urban, peri urban and rural areas by strengthening national and regional development planning”, and SDG target 11.a is a good vision for the coordinated development of economy, society, and environment in urban agglomerations [7...
The strongest support of right-to-work laws generally has come from small business; the 19 states with right-to-work laws in 1966 were concentrated in the South and West and did not include any major industrial state.Indianawas the only industrial state to pass a right-to-work law, but ...
In France judicial review must take place in the abstract (i.e., in the absence of an actual case or controversy) and before promulgation (i.e., before a challenged law has taken effect). In other countries (e.g., Austria, Germany, South Korea, and Spain) courts can exercise judicial...
However, the survey did find that among men with a higher level of educational attainment, the prevalence of obesity is lower.28 22 Cynthia L. Ogden et al., Obesity and socioeconomic status in adults in the United States, 2005–2008...
1) With a capacity of 20 kg, it can handle large workpieces and multiple workpieces simultaneously. There are a wide range of workpieces in the automotive and parts manufacturing processes, and many processes that handle large workpieces exceed over 10kg. Also, various cases where multiple simultan...
Deer are managed for harvest in most of the study area. Three types of game management units, which in the Portuguese General Hunting Law [29] are referred to as hunting zones, are present in the area: tourism, associative, and municipal. According to the law [29], these typologies are ...